
Tangier Free Zone, ranked 6th global free zone and 1st free zone port by the Financial Times FDI magazine, is an authentic industrial and logistics hub.


The Tangiers-Tetouan region has unmatched development prospects due to its geographical location. Its proximity to Europe – only 14 km away – has constantly fostered cultural exchange as well as export and foreign investment. This region, the second economic hub and first offshore financial centre in Morocco is home to TFZ, the free export Zone in Tangiers, the most important centre of activity in the region.


The strengths of Tanger Med Zone, the numerous competitive advantages, tax, customs, administrative… benefits related to the free zone status and the numerous state subsidies offers foreign investors exceptional development potential for their companies.

With its free trade zone status, TFZ offers many advantages to foreign investors wishing to develop their activity abroad.

Qualification of resources

The Tanger-Tetouan region has a young and dynamic population, the active population share shows a steady increase and job opportunities are growing each year. To cope with this growth and anticipate qualified manpower resource needs in the regions industrial sector, with training centres adapted to the emerging sectors and industry requirements have been created.